Governance training for not for profit boards directors

Governance Training for Not-for-Profit Boards & Directors

Unlock Your Full Potential as an NFP Director with BoardWise

Are you struggling to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of not-for-profit governance? You’re not alone.

NFP directors face unprecedented challenges in today’s complex world. But what if you had a secret weapon to transform your leadership and drive your organisation’s success?

Introducing BoardWise: Your Comprehensive NFP Governance Training Solution

BoardWise isn’t just another overprice governance course. It’s a game-changing board improvement platform designed specifically for NFP directors like you. Here’s six reasons why:


Unparalleled On-Demand Director Training

Imagine having over 150 hours of cutting-edge governance training at your fingertips. That’s the power of BoardWise. Our content is tailored exclusively for NFPs, addressing the unique challenges you face.

  • Regular updates on critical topics: from strategy and risk management to organisational development, and board dynamics
  • Comprehensive modules covering essential governance practices, financial oversight, legal responsibilities, ethical leadership and many more
  • Practical, actionable content you can apply immediately to improve your governance

Learn from the Experts

Why settle for generic governance advice when you can learn from over 50 governance experts who have specifically tailored the training for NFP directors?

BoardWise gives you exclusive access to:

  • Insights from seasoned practitioners, consultants, and specialists
  • Real-world case studies and best practices
  • Practical wisdom you can apply to enhance your board's performance

Effortless CPD Recording

Maintaining your director professional development record has never been easier:

  • One-click CPD logging for all your learning activities
  • Export a full report for easy submission to professional bodies
  • Save time and ensure compliance with your CPD obligations

Stay Current with Monthly Live Webinars

Knowledge is power, but staying updated can be expensive. Not with BoardWise.

As a member, you'll enjoy:

  • Free access to monthly governance training webinars with industry experts (normally priced at $85 per person, free for members)
  • Deep dives into emerging governance issues, financial oversight, strategic planning, risk management and many other topics

Revolutionary Board Evaluation Toolkit

Our comprehensive Board Evaluation Toolkit is a game-changer for NFPs:

  • Cost-effective, customisable evaluations without the need for expensive consultants
  • 20+ Templates aligned with recognised governance principles (AICD, ACNC, ASX, NZX)
  • Ability to build custom evaluations or tailor templates to your unique needs
  • Powerful reporting features with actionable insights.

Unbeatable Value for NFPs

We understand the budget constraints NFPs face. That's why BoardWise offers:

  • All-inclusive access for one affordable annual subscription
  • No hidden fees or per-course charges
  • Unlimited access to our entire resource library and toolkit
  • As many board evaluations as you want to run

Compare this to other providers charging $20,000+ for a single board evaluation or providers who are charging for access for just one individual course. The value is clear.

How does BoardWise Compare?

BoardWise has a unique pricing structure that makes it accessible to even small organisations. Starting at $499 for one person, each additional member will only cost an additional $125 per year.

Assuming a board of 8 people, then here is a quick comparison with other options:

BoardWise AICD GovernWith
Training Webinars ✅ 12+ per year inc. $6,624 for 12 webinars^
Professional development materials ✅ 150+ hours included some materials minimal materials
Board evaluation software ✅ Included Not included^^ Included
Conferences ✅ Member Rates Additional cost
Courses ✅ Included* Additional cost
Whole board focus ✅ Yes No Yes
Moneyback Guarantee ✅ 30 days
One-time joining fee ✅ no joining fee $1,760
Annual cost for 8 members ✅ $1,374 $5,280
Total annual cost $1,374 $11,904^^^ $20,000 +
^ $69 per person per webinar, times 12 months.
^^ AICD does not offer evaluation software, but Board Review from their consulting arm start at approx. $10K (this is an estimate based on anecdotal conversations with past clients)
^^^ Total annual cost includes annual membership and specified webinar costs. Does not include the additional joining fee.
*Known as pathways in BoardWise
All pricing is in AUD.

Real Impact for NFPs

BoardWise isn’t just a tool - it’s a movement transforming NFP governance.

Empowering 100+ NFP Boards

From small local charities to large national organisations, BoardWise is the go-to platform for NFPs of all sizes. These 100+ boards represent a diverse cross-section of the sector, including healthcare, education, social services, environmental causes, schools, aged care and many more.

Over 450 Directors Levelling Up Their Skills

More than 450 dedicated NFP directors rely on BoardWise to enhance their governance capabilities. This growing community of learners is setting new standards for NFP leadership.

Driving Sector-Wide Change

As more boards adopt BoardWise, we’re seeing a ripple effect of improved governance practices across the NFP sector. Our platform is helping to raise the bar for NFP governance.

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Needs

From arts organisations to disability services providers, BoardWise offers learning resources that address to the unique governance challenges of NFPs. Our flexible platform ensures that every board, regardless of its focus, can benefit from our comprehensive resources.

Join the ranks of Australia’s most forward-thinking NFP boards. With BoardWise, you’re not just investing in a platform - you’re joining a community of excellence that’s reshaping the future of NFP governance.

Take Your NFP Leadership & Governance to the Next Level

Imagine walking into your next board meeting armed with the latest governance knowledge, expert insights, and board evaluation tools. That’s the BoardWise difference.

Every day you wait is a missed opportunity to:

  • Enhance your governance skills
  • Improve your board’s decision-making processes
  • Drive your organisation’s mission forward more effectively
  • Stand out as a leader in the NFP sector

The cost of not investing in your development? Stagnation, missed opportunities, and a board that’s merely adequate instead of exceptional. Your NFP deserves better. You deserve better.

Become a BoardWise Member Today

Don’t let another day pass without unlocking your full potential as an NFP director.

Join BoardWise today and experience the transformation for yourself.

Click below to start your BoardWise journey.

Join BoardWise Now

We’re so confident in our platform that we offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

The NFP world is evolving rapidly. Can you afford to fall behind?

Join BoardWise now and position yourself as a leader in NFP governance. Your organisation’s future success may depend on the decision you make today.

Remember, with BoardWise, you’re not just getting a training platform. You’re gaining a comprehensive toolkit for NFP governance excellence. Don’t wait – your journey to becoming an exceptional NFP director starts here.

Boost your board's governance knowledge & performance.

Start using BoardWise today.