Director & Board Due Diligence

Director & Board Due Diligence

Protect Yourself, Protect Your Board

Michael Goldsworthy

Michael Goldsworthy

Principal Consultant @ Australian Strategic Services

Better Boards is pleased to present "Director & Board Due Diligence" in partnership with Michael Goldsworthy, Principal Consultant @ Australian Strategic Services.

Protect Yourself, Protect Your Board

Directors hold the critical role of custodians and stewards of their organisation, representing its members and balancing significant responsibilities, risks, and rewards.

Effective governance demands rigorous due diligence, ensuring informed decision-making and safeguarding against legal liabilities, reputational damage, and unforeseen events.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • The importance of due diligence for both prospective directors and boards in the recruitment process.
  • Key steps and best practices for conducting thorough due diligence.
  • Insights from experienced governance professionals on avoiding common pitfalls and protecting both individual and organisational interests.

Director & Board Due Diligence: Protect Yourself, Protect Your Board is an essential and practical webinar presented by governance experts Glenn Hardwick, Michelle Oates and Michael Goldsworthy.

This webinar is essential for both prospective board members and current directors involved in the recruitment process. It will provide invaluable guidance and strategies for conducting effective due diligence, ensuring a well-informed and robust board governance framework.


Michael Goldsworthy - Principal Consultant @ Australian Strategic Services

Michael Goldsworthy A visionary, an entrepreneurial strategist, a big picture thinker, Michael is widely known by directors, chief executive officers and executives of community businesses (NFPs) throughout Australia for his comprehensive understanding of the big picture and his strategic insights into the current and future trends and dynamics of residential care, home care, disability, hospitals, health care and related human service industries/sectors and organisations. Michael is an engaging, educative and strategic opinion leader, his primary modus operandi are facilitating, strategically advising and/or project managing projects or workshops. His significant ability to influence individuals or teams, frameworks and opinions, and provide practical strategies and tools is extensively acknowledged by leaders. He has a demonstrable track record of turning theory into practice, ensuring leaders balance their “heads and hearts”, that is business and service objectives.

Michelle Oates - Principal Solicitor @ Connect Family Law

Michelle Oates Michelle is an experienced and passionate senior lawyer who leads with passion, integrity and confidence. She believes in an “open door” style of leadership, hiring the best talent and developing their skills with a combination of leading by example and encouraging self determination. She is community orientated and contributes to her regional community through her various non executive board roles including Director of Lower Murray Water, member of the Governance Committee of Lower Murray Water and Chair of Chaffey Aged Care. Michelle is passionate about self education and improvement and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Northern Mallee Leadership Program. She is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria and the Women in Water Network.

Glenn Hardwick - Chief Executive Officer, Christian Homes Tasmania

Glenn Hardwick Glenn is the CEO of Christian Homes Tasmania Ltd, a not for profit aged care provider providing residential, homecare and independent living services to the elderly in Southern Tasmania. Previous positions have included Deputy CEO of OneCare Ltd, Official Receiver in Bankruptcy for Tasmania, Deputy Commissioner and forensic accountant for the Tasmanian Corporate Affairs office, as well as numerous positions with the Tasmanian and NSW Health Authorities. Glenn is the voluntary Board Chairman of Community Transport Services Tasmania (CTST) and was previously a State Councillor for the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Glenn is the Commodore of the Montrose Bay Yacht Club. Glenn is a presenter for the Tasmanian Emerging Community Leaders Program and is a guest speaker for the University of Tasmania Master of Health Service Management (Aged Care) course. Glenn is a qualified accountant and is a Fellow of CPA Australia, Governance Institute and Chartered Institute of Company Secretaries. Glenn is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


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