Company Structures (Australia)
Governance GlossaryPublished: February 22, 2023
Companies in Australia operate under different structures regulated by the Corporations Act 2001.
The main categories of company structures are private companies, public companies, not-for-profit organisations, and government entities. Private companies like proprietary companies have restrictions on ownership and fundraising while public companies can raise funds publicly. Not-for-profits pursue non-commercial objectives and government entities provide public services. The structure adopted depends on objectives like profit-making, community benefit, ownership and liability.
This overview summaries key features of major Australian company categories.
Not-for-profit organisations
Not-for-profit (NFP) organisations have a primary purpose of pursuing non-commercial objectives like charitable, social, educational or religious goals rather than generating profits. Common NFP structures are public companies limited by guarantee and incorporated associations.
Public companies limited by guarantee
Public companies limited by guarantee Examples
Incorporated Associations
Private companies
Small Proprietary Company
Large Proprietary Company
Public Companies
Unlisted public companies
Public companies limited by shares (not listed)
##Unlimited public companies
No liability companies (not listed)
Listed public companies
Federal Government Commonwealth-owned corporations
Federal Government departments
State & Territory Governments
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