Mergers & Amalgamations ... the realities & practicalities
Aaron Goldsworthy
Senior Consultant @ Australian Strategic Services
Better Boards is pleased to present "Mergers & Amalgamations ... the realities & practicalities" in partnership with Aaron Goldsworthy, Senior Consultant @ Australian Strategic Services.
Is your board and executives/senior management team considering a merger or amalgamation, or been approached by another organisation to amalgamate or merge?
The big picture forces and trends of the industries/sectors in which community business (NFPs) operate, along with government reform, challenging economic conditions, financial viability or sustainability, increasing regulation and workforce challenges are propelling leaders to consider the most likely strategic scenario for their organisation and therein the organisation’s strategic options to achieve this and fulfil vision and mission; ensuring services continue to have impact in communities they serve.
A key strategic option is undertaking a merger or amalgamation with a like minded community business.
Is your board and executives/senior management team clear about why it is or when it should be considering a merger or amalgamation? Do they understand the critical steps involved?
Join Aaron, Senior Consultant at Australian Strategic Services to explore the realities and practicalities of mergers and amalgamations including:
- big picture and sustainability challenges driving merger and amalgamation activity, and what should boards have considered before undertaking an exploration of a merger or amalgamation;
- where mergers and amalgamations sit in the spectrum of organisational relationships;
- the critical steps to explore a merger or amalgamation; and
- key challenges, risks and barriers organisations often face in exploring or implementing a merger or amalgamation.
Attendees will receive access to the recording, the slide deck and a resource pack, including practical tools to assist them establish and operate a merger or amalgamation exploration project.
About the Presenter
A Senior Consultant with Australian Strategic Services for over 5 years, Aaron assists boards and individual directors to not only understand what their duties at law are but what the future aged care and healthcare looks like. He has worked with a wide variety of aged care and health care boards, chief executive officers and executives on a range of projects including detailed review of where the board's or organisation's documentation and processes sit against standards, quality frameworks and legislation, board assessments and reviews, drafting and documenting enterprise/organisation wide governance and risk management frameworks, strategic planning, business development, amalgamations and mergers and industry big picture trends and research.
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