Articles written By Better Boards
Better Boards connects the leaders of Australasian non-profit organisations to the knowledge and networks necessary to grow and develop their leadership skills and build a strong governance framework for their organisation.
Live Governance Training for Directors
Getting the most out of board committees
Join our panel to explore board committees, ensuring they are operating effectively and how they can add practical value and benefit to the work of your board. Use of board committees to undertake the detailed work of the Board in particular areas has long been considered part of contemporary practice. While Finance and Audit Committees have been a mainstay of boards’ governance structures, today there is an increasingly diverse range of foci delegated to committees.
Live Governance Training for Directors
From Strategy to Impact
This webinar delves into the essential role of member-based and peak body organisations within the not-for-profit (NFP) sector, particularly in offering capacity building, advocacy, and fostering connections across diverse professions and sectors. Despite their significance, these organisations often face challenges related to funding, delivering member value, and balancing their advocacy agendas. The session will explore strategies for ensuring that members and sector representatives remain central to organisational strategies, thereby driving member value and fulfilling broader agendas.
Live Governance Training for Directors
Effective Director Induction
Board induction is a crucial element to successfully transitioning a new board member into your organisation. An induction is essential for all new appointments and will enable your new director to make effective contributions from the get-go. But how do you effectively welcome a new director onto your board? In this webinar you will learn: why director induction is important what goes into an effective director induction program, and how to tailor an induction program to your own organisation.
Live Governance Training for Directors
Building Your Organisation's Reputation Through Media
Learn how to get your positive stories up repeatedly in the media and build your organisation’s profile and credibility. There is no shortage of problems in the world and great organisations doing great work, but building your profile and showcasing your work is critical to attracting the attention and funding you want. CEO of Good Talent Media and ex ABC and SBS journalist Tony Nicholls will show you how to create a slate of great stories targeted to specific media outlets you want to reach following by the anatomy of a successful media pitch.
Live Governance Training for Directors
Digital Detours: Unseen Risks on the Road to Transformation
When planning for the future and growth of the business, Leaders often curate a Digital Road Map which is aimed at completely transforming the business. However, the one thing that gets completely missed out in this masterplan is the incorporation of effective risk management protocols. This hinders the organisation’s ability to prepare for unexpected events that can impact their operations. This webinar focuses on the hidden hazards in Digital Transformation and will provide leaders with ideas on how to navigate this minefield.
Live Governance Training for Directors
Director & Board Due Diligence
Protect Yourself, Protect Your Board Directors hold the critical role of custodians and stewards of their organisation, representing its members and balancing significant responsibilities, risks, and rewards. Effective governance demands rigorous due diligence, ensuring informed decision-making and safeguarding against legal liabilities, reputational damage, and unforeseen events. In this webinar, you will learn: The importance of due diligence for both prospective directors and boards in the recruitment process. Key steps and best practices for conducting thorough due diligence.