Co-designing Your New Business Model

Co-designing Your New Business Model

Michael Goldsworthy

Michael Goldsworthy

Principal Consultant at Australian Strategic Services

Better Boards is pleased to present "Co-designing Your New Business Model" in partnership with Michael Goldsworthy, Principal Consultant at Australian Strategic Services.

For boards of community businesses (NFPs) the move to a customer-driven, competitive marketplace is a radical departure from their known industry/sector context to which they and their management team were perfectly adapted. An old business model cannot operate in a new paradigm.

Co-designing a new business model is mission critical, trying to hang on to your existing business model is a death knell; the rules and processes that supported the old business model will be defunct.

Join Michael for an insightful and pragmatic approach as he unpacks the realities, practicalities and processes of re-engineering your existing business model and developing a new business model that underpins the transformation of your organisation and the reinvention of your culture.

A comprehensive, easy-ready presentation will be available, along with a number of tools, business models and supporting articles.

About the Presenter
Michael Goldsworthy

A visionary, an entrepreneurial strategist, a big picture thinker, Michael is widely known by directors, chief executive officers and executives of community businesses (NFPs) throughout Australia for his comprehensive understanding of the big picture and his strategic insights into the current and future trends and dynamics of residential care, home care, disability, hospitals, health care and related human service industries/sectors and organisations.

Michael is an engaging, educative and strategic opinion leader, his primary modus operandi are facilitating, strategically advising and/or project managing projects or workshops. His significant ability to influence individuals or teams, frameworks and opinions, and provide practical strategies and tools is extensively acknowledged by leaders. He has a demonstrable track record of turning theory into practice, ensuring leaders balance their “heads and hearts”, that is business and service objectives.


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