What does it take to be a high performing non-profit Board?
Melissa Macpherson
Co-Founder @ People for Purpose
Better Boards is pleased to present "What does it take to be a high performing non-profit Board?" in partnership with Melissa Macpherson, Co-Founder @ People for Purpose.
Boards operate and communicate differently because at the end of the day, they are made up of human beings who have individually experienced life in different ways. One of the key aspects to high-performing non-profit Boards, is found at the intersection of IQ, EQ and SQ (Spiritual intelligence).
Join Melissa and hear her thoughts after having worked with hundreds of non-profit Boards, on what the common elements she has seen to high-performing non-profit Boards . Melissa will explore the importance of
beneficiary centricity,
performance reflection,
impact measurement, and
the integral importance of understanding the personalities, experiences and perspectives around your Boardroom table.
Hear what Melissa thinks the sector is doing well in terms of governance, and where the sector could improve.
About the Presenter
In 2012 Melissa Macpherson co-founded People for Purpose with Rachael McLennan on a mission to enhance the leadership capability of purpose-led organisations. Melissa is a specialist advisor working with Boards and Directors on leadership acquisition, structure and governance performance improvement for purpose-led organisations. Melissa brings her cross-sector knowledge and expertise to support Boards to consolidate their foundation and purpose, align internal stakeholders, and improve their leadership capability. Melissa has a depth and breadth of sector knowledge having worked with hundreds of organisations across diverse cause areas, large and small, on improving leadership and governance across strategy, risk, purpose and impact.
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