Better Boards hosted a webinar on the topic “Hire, Review & Fire: The CEO Lifecycle” in September 2023. I was lucky enough to facilita...
“Protecting your organisation from cyber risk and implementing preventative measures to keep your organisation’s data safe, has never been...
Articles on Organisational Development.
Organisational Development
A Story of a Horse and Cart
Assessing organisational sustainability In general terms, most not-for-profit stakeholders would consider an organisation viable when, given normal service conditions, the organisation produces sufficient inflow of resources to at least balance all costs of operations, strategic outflows and forecasted risks to achieve the required outputs in the short to medium term. Or, as the New South Wales’ Government’s Register of Community Housing states; Financial viability is about being able to generate sufficient income to meet operating payments, debt commitments and, where applicable, to allow growth while maintaining service levels.
Linda Hayes
What Happens When We Don’t Maintain Our Assets?
What happens when we don’t maintain our assets? The image that conjures up in my mind is the difference between the shiny new Volkswagen, and the clapped out, exhausted non-maintained lacklustre ‘Herbie’ vehicle we all have grown to love. The non-profit sector is currently undergoing great change in the requirements of ‘maintenance’ or accountability yet there appears to be such limited resources going toward supporting this change. Subsequent to the enactment of state based Incorporations Act legislation during the early eighties, which brought about protection and accountability for the members of associations, there has been a steady increase in the reporting and accountability responsibilities for funded projects of the non-profit sector.
Adele Johns
Preparing a Property Portfolio Business Case
There are many reasons why a non-profit organisation may be called upon to undertake a review of their current property needs. This also includes a review of how their property needs are going to be met, both now and into the future. The type of events that might trigger such a review can be many and varied but generally include: • A major existing lease expiry or lease renewal option
Russell Martoo
The Board’s Role in Purchasing and Monitoring Business Systems
Choosing the ‘right’ system to manage and monitor core business functions can be difficult and costly to organisations. Boards are becoming increasingly aware of the need to purchase systems that not only match core business functions and strategic direction, but also reduce administrative inefficiencies and increase productivity. But what other key questions should Boards be asking their CEO or other executive managers when purchasing and monitoring business applications? 1. Benefits realisation and return on investment?
Donna Orchard
Organisational Identity
Organisational identity is more than just your vision, logo, colours and website. It is an amalgamation of all of these, as well as how your stakeholders see you, relate to you, position you and even talk about you – including your staff, clients, suppliers, funders, sponsors and donors. In this way, your identity influences your ability to fulfil the mission of the organisation – and therefore is an essential to your strategic planning.