
Flying Minutes

Governance Glossary

Published: December 13, 2022

Flying minute

Flying minutes are a means of capturing a board decision outside of the normal meeting cycle. Flying minutes are another common name for a circular resolution.

Just like a circular resolution the flying minute should document a resolution (decision) with wording to signify that those voting on the decision are in favour of the proposed outcome.

Before the advent of board portals flying minute resolutions were often circulated via email or by fax.

Today board portal software systems like Our Cat Herder offer the ability to rapidly create and distribute flying minutes and between meeting decisions or circular resolutions to your board members.

What is a flying minute?

Flying minute is a term that is used to refer to a method of recording decisions made by a board outside of planned meetings.

Flying minute are used for decisions:
• that are time sensitive or require urgent attention (they can't wait until the next meeting is scheduled).
• where there is not enough business to justify calling a full meeting.

What should a flying minute contain?

A flying minute should contain:
• background information on the matter.
• a proposed motion.
• a suggested outcome the board can vote on.
• a deadline by which the vote must be responded to.

How can you conduct a flying minute?

To conduct a flying minute you could use a board portal, email, slack or any other form of communication which will allow you to easily create, distribute and solicit responses from your board in a rapid manner.

Where can I find a flying minute template or example?

You can download our free flying minute template which also contains examples and further discussion on how to use the template.

Can body corporates use flying minutes?

Any decision making body (whether board, committee, body corporate or other group) that makes decisions on behalf of others can utilise the flying minute methodology to make and record decisions when they are not meeting in person.

Free Minute Taking Course: Introduction for Boards

Meeting Minutes, An Essential Guide for Directors

Free Flying Minute template



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