

Welcoming and Initiating New Board Members

Published: August 16, 2022

Read Time: 8 minutes

Welcoming board members

Board transitions are a great opportunity to renew and invigorate a board. New board members can bring enthusiasm, a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table. Yet joining a board can be a daunting experience and transitions are most successful when boards properly orientate their new directors to the cultures and practices of their organisation.

The difficulties of attracting new board members has been widely written and spoken about in non-profit governance discourse but securing a desirable candidate is only the first step in the process of renewing a board’s membership. Whether they are first-time directors or governance veterans, the newcomer needs to be familiarised with the workings of the organisation and board as well as with its values and culture. Joining a board is like assuming any new role; it takes time to settle in even if you have previously held a similar position. This transition period may be exacerbated further in a board position where several weeks or months can pass without a great deal of contact. As David Fishel puts it in The Book of the Board, putting new board members through an effective board induction program “increases their value to the organisation, and minimises the risk of feeling like an outsider for months after they have joined”1.

This article will explore the issue of orientating new board members from both the perspective of the board and that of new board members. It will demonstrate the importance of getting orientation right and outline some of the best ways to go about it.

A new board member’s perspective

Better Boards spoke to a young professional on the eve of her first board meeting. She addressed her reasons for accepting the position, the challenges she faces as a new board member and the ways in which the board helped to orientate her in the role.

Erin is a financial accounting analyst with several years’ experience working for a large accounting firm. She was recently invited onto the board of a small children’s health support charity. Erin was enthusiastic about joining the board. She has always had an interest in governance and recently completed a Graduate Diploma in Applied Corporate Governance. Erin feels that her professional expertise puts her in good stead to perform well in the role.

Erin’s orientation consisted of accessing a general induction presentation relating to the organisation as well as the receipt of a governance manual from the General Manager. However, Erin found that the best introduction came from reading the board papers in preparation for their upcoming meeting. Because the papers were focused and practical, rather than general and theoretical, they allowed her to really get a feeling for what happens in meetings and what the board really does.

After the first board meeting, Erin reported that it had run relatively smoothly. There were some items discussed that she did not fully understand and the meeting was very fast but she did not feel out of her depth. She chose to simply observe for the first meeting, but said she was ready to hit the ground running. She did remark, however, that without her accounting background and preparation she would have felt lost.

The key insight of Erin’s story is that without key skills and a sufficient introduction to the organisation the boardroom could have been an intimidating place. New board members will not be up to speed with the rest of the board within a day but a proper induction and support from the rest of the board will go a long way to help them to learn quickly.

New board members: what they need to know first

Finding and orientating suitable board member is a process that should be considered from multiple perspectives. For a new board member to be successfully initiated they must be confident that they have found an organisation and a board that is the right fit for them. Prospective board members should also be confident that they will be able to work productively with the existing board.

Better Boards sought some insight on this matter from Shaheen Evans and Brian Herd.

Evans identified three things that prospective board members should consider before they accept a position on a board:

  • Culture and fit for you and the proposed board
  • Conduct good due diligence
  • Trial before you commit.

Herd recommends considering these three questions before joining a board:

  • Why would I want to serve on this Board?
  • Do I know what commitment is required to serve on this Board?
  • Do I have the time and passion to give that ongoing commitment?

Both Evans and Herd support the need for new board members to carefully consider their suitability for the role and ensure that they are prepared for its roles and responsibilities.

: Frequently Asked Questions

The organisation's induction process and procedures should detail who is responsible for inducting new board members. Typically the job may fall to the board chairperson or the chief executive officer to manage the process, but the board as part of the new board member induction process may choose to nominate another person. The key is that the board induction process is clear, consistent and communicated to new board members in advance so there is no confusion.

As part of your new board's induction process there should be a clear and formal way for you to be introduced to the board as a whole and also to board members as individuals. Ian some cases you should also expect to connect with the organisation's senior executives. Before you are elected as a board member, as part of the later stages of the recruitment process, you should expect the opportunity to meet and greet, at a minimum, the chief executive officer and the chairperson. While the first meeting is also an appropriate venue for introduction as a new board member it is also worthwhile finding time to connect with all board members and senior executives (with whom the board typically interacts) in a less formal way such as over coffee or a phone conversation before this first meeting. Any board with a solid induction process should make it easy for you to debut as a new board member and to connect with your fellow board members.

There are five steps to inducting any new board member. The first is to have an induction process in place that you can follow each time. The second is to assemble an induction pack, this should include important documents with current information on your organisation. Third is to encourage social interaction so that new board members to get to know the rest of the board. Fourth assign a buddy or mentor to the new board member, who is there should the new member have questions. Finally provide first-time board members with training. Even experienced board members need to stay up-to-date or refresh their governance knowledge.

Tips and tricks for preparing new board members:

If your board is currently seeking new directors, or will be soon, there’s no time like the present to be proactive and start preparing to welcome and initiate future board members. Below are some quick tips on how to go about it:

  1. Have an induction process in place. This process should involve one-on-one meetings with the Chair, CEO and any other key executives. It should also include a tour of the organisation on the ground and the chance to meet staff and observe their work in action. Encourage the newcomer to ask questions at every stage.

  2. Assemble an induction pack. This should include important documents with current information on your organisation, its finances and board policies. These should include strategic plans, financial reports and recent board papers. David Fishel says that with this information “most board members will feel far more confident about the context within which they will be contributing, and about the current issues facing the organisation2.

  3. Encourage social interaction. Allow some time for new board members to get to know the rest of the board. Knowing the rest of the board personally can provide extra confidence at the board table. It will also provide newcomers with the chance to become familiar with the personalities and relationships that have a bearing on the board’s culture. This could simply be a morning or afternoon tea either side of a board meeting or event.

  4. Assign a mentor to the new board member. This will provide them with a personal connection they can call on to ask specific questions. Remember that each new board members will have different needs so the induction process should to be flexible and allow the new recruit to ask questions one-on-one.

  5. Provide first-time board members with training. This might mean access to resources, attending seminars or conferences, or sitting down with the financial advisor or Chief Financial Officer to discuss the accounts in detail. Remember also that board members can benefit from training throughout their career. Even those who have served for a number of years will appreciate refreshers or exposure to new ideas or practices.

Our Board Induction Checklist (download below) provides an introductory outline of the steps that should be included as part of a new board member’s orientation to the board and organisation.

Further Resources

Key Considerations for Successful Board Director Recruitment

Practical Ways To Improve Boardroom Dynamics

Director Recruitment – The Habitat for Humanity Approach

Seat Warmers and Saboteurs – Dealing with Difficult Directors

Recruiting for Not-For-Profit Boards: Building Strong Foundations

  1. Fishel, David (2008) The Book of the Board: Effective Governance for non-profit organisations, The Federation Press: Sydney, p. 202. ↩︎

  2. As above, p. 203. ↩︎



Better Boards connects the leaders of Australasian non-profit organisations to the knowledge and networks necessary to grow and develop their leadership skills and build a strong governance framework for their organisation.

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